About Us

We began this review because of the explosion of online writing services a number of years ago. What we found is that, while many are professional and reliable, the majority are owned and managed by people out to make a “quick buck” on the backs of unsuspecting customers. We’ve been there during our college years and made some serious mistakes in selecting writing services. We don’t want that to happen to you. So, we founded this writing service review site with only one mission – to give our users the factual information they need when they look for writing help. You can spend a lot of time researching writing services, or you can come here and find one that will meet your needs.

Our reviews of online writing services are based on very specific factors, and we use those same factors for every company we evaluate. We pour over their website content. We want to see what products and services it offers; we want to know who they employ as writers; we want to read samples and review their policies and guarantees. We are most interested in what actual customers have to say about the quality of products and customer support they receive from a company. To learn this, we go out on the web and look for any customer reviews and feedback we can find. We also look at comments that have been submitted to us by our visitors and users. We then collate all of this data and come up with a summary and an overall rating.

We have a professional staff of writers and editors who maintain our website and our presence on the web. Among the chief officers are the following:

Angela Baker

Angela Baker:

Angela is our most productive writer and an editor-in-chief. She reviews and updates our informational content, blog posts that our writers produce, and in general, sees to it that our site is user-friendly.

Nicole D. Garrison

Nicole D. Garrison:

Nicole is our marketing director. Her goal is to make sure that seekers of writing services know that we are here and can easily find us. She also screens any third-party agencies that may want to advertise on our site, to ensure that they are professional and offer only related products and services.

When you come to Pick the Writer, you can be sure that you will find what you are looking for in writing help.